Sneaked-in Writing

Words On Wanting A Rose Garden

11th January 2020 Merely a trace of chest plague left, so I’m back to training and now my legs and arms have the pleasant ache of effort.
At work today and doing more sneaked-in writing.
Another fiercely windy day: witnessed a heron in perilous flight this morning, snaking its neck like a pterodactyl. Took my favourite long commute around the back of Colliford Lake where the sky was all freckled with starlings, and white topped waves frisked, and shaggy calves skulked on verges.
I am saying please let things work out well now. I have enough practice finding flowers at the roadside of doom, I say, no more with that now! Time for a rose garden, Universe.

13th January 2020
Third in a hat trick of shifts, nothing too demanding, just the having to get up early and being organised. The weather is all storm warnings - we sat at Porthpean watching seagulls in the shallow froth declining to go further out. We sat in the warm car, bellies full, with a happy client for she loves the wild weather best of all.
We are back at the house now and she is cooing to the thrashing rain, she is studying a soft toy. Yesterday she allowed me to join in with her guitar playing; I copied her two string tune as best I could and she laughed so much she had to stop play and lie on a cushion. I asked her if she was a zen master and her shoulders rocked.
This life is beautiful, Universe, I apologise for my complaints.


The way you use words... like a skilled sculptor lovingly manipulating his clay... never fails to delight me. Really. I soak them in like welcome rays of sunshine in a cold world. You are some kinda talented, lady. PLEASE write another book.
Lisa Southard said…
Another book is coming into being, almost at first draft stage! Even if it wasn't demanding to be written, I would have to do it to deserve these comments :-) xx
I'm delighted to hear it!

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