I Wrote A Novel, But Then Was Distracted

I wrote a novel, then I published it. Then Mr bought me a strimmer, just at nettle harvest time. And the tomatoes were red, grapes purple-black, runner beans rough green - our garden, a bounteous mess - I don’t mind, nor do I mind the work. Time squeezed can also be savoured. How the novel was finished is a mystery. I have started the next one, equally baffled.
This day is sewn in with summer birds, silky light, a fat twine of pigeon, edged in cloud.
Rustling green shadows, one escaped Next Door chicken pecks and is wary.
I can’t manage to publicise my own novel, chook, recapture is unlikely.
I can’t even get in the hammock, I’m lying on the ground under a broken sun umbrella, watching it rotate like a snapped flowerhead.
Dog is slunk into shade. Chook and me in sun. Mr is noises in the shed.
Birds drop flight for a noon rest.

The next days, our weather is changeable. 
Between rain and sun, machines stand in half cut fields. 
Some bales are stacked house high. Others make good seats if you don’t mind a damp backside, or the odd stab of hay. 
It’s too warm for coats. My shirt is getting slowly heavier. Through rain we see deer spring, a buzzard wheel. Crows hustle, ground level, ungainly - you all ready look fat, I tell them, as they stuff crow-craws with spilt wheat, ignoring me. Dog breaks up the Dickensian struts, they fly away with habit, not panic. In the air they have skill, and the dare to hassle a buzzard. Once, only once, did I see the buzzard drop, strike, end the crow’s game. 
Two rainbows appear.
Will there be sun?
Not yet!

Still, the washing could use an extra rinse. Yesterday evening we saw sun and our clothes are stuck with sand.
Ah, yes, and I should just mention: I wrote a novel, then I published it.


Geo. said…
This is beautiful. I know beautiful, so do you. All my best wishes for your new novel. How can I buy one?
Lisa Southard said…
Thank you as ever :-) I have gone down the print on demand Amazon route again, which does make distribution a doddle, if I remember to tell people about it... Here is a link:
I have put one on my 'The Novels' page in case this one doesn't work.
And hurrah for beautiful! :-) xx
Chantel said…
I stumbled across you via Geo...and this post, its rambling loveliness - imagery I can nearly run my fingers through and I swear I can see the birds. I purchased your book simply for this. Looking forward to it.
Lisa Southard said…
Thank you Chantel - your own writing is rather lovely too! Splendor In A Plastic World, much needed! I notice also you chef? We are friends :-) xx
Oh my goodness, I needed to find you again, Lisa. Namaste.
Lisa Southard said…
Namaste Heather, it is good to be in contact! xx

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