Un Or Up...

Un- the prefix of rejection. Bold. Untouchable.
Up- the prefix of raising up. Celebratory. Upbeat.
One of these I would have chosen for today's U themed topic...
I did not choose anything but walking out with dogs, once in the pale early sun, when the hedge flowers were half open, as though colour had just been invented, was making a shy start. Once in a fine moorland mist, as though colour had been a mistake, and rubbed out, to start again, perhaps with metallics? Or tones of mud?


Suze said…
Hello, sweet scribe. If anyone should be present at the invention of color to meditate on it and then share her thoughts with the world, you would top my list of candidates.

Back on Twitter, btw. Wanted to send you a DM but can't until you follow me back. Since I'm using a different handle, I feared you might not recognize your old friend. ;)
Jo said…
Unclean dog, where's he been? The flowers are uplifting.
Geo. said…
Glad you're doing A-Z instead of me. I'd write about U-bolts and how Useful they are. Your Uproarious doggie would not be the least bit Undecided about getting on me all wet. You're a brave woman.
Teresa Cypher said…
Hey lady! I love the pink Columbine and the (happy) muddy dog! Your writing is still so visual. :-)
Dixie@dcrelief said…
Unbelievable! and cute.
Lisa Southard said…
Not so well disguised- you have a new follower :-)
And thank you, that's a good list to top!
Lisa Southard said…
Spaniels are genetically programmed to find mud... This batch was from Dartmoor.
Lisa Southard said…
U-bolts are useful, Geo. you are unnecessarily under confident about that. Completely correct about Dog. She shares mud :-)
Lisa Southard said…
Surrounded by all this picturesqueness, hard not to be! hello Teresa, very nice to hear from you :-)
Lisa Southard said…
She is at her happiest playing in anything splashy :-)

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