Find Me On Facebook

Busy, busy, building a platform: the strong hot hob on which to simmer wild flavoured soups. Please join me. I should like a queue. Bring your own bowl and spoon, maybe some bread, some butter. Add pictures, add words - soup, art, love, curiosities, writing, jam, sunsets, all the little incredible overlooked things framed beautifully - we will hang them on the walls of the virtual soup hall. 


Geo. said…
Lisa, I wish you great success in your new Facebook project. It sounds delightful. I haven't joined Facebook but a couple friends and several of my children have been after me for years to do so. Perhaps I will give in by and by.
Dixie@dcrelief said…
Is it going to be complicated or is this real love?
"Soup is good food." (smile)
Cherdo said…
Facebook has been waiting for you!
Lisa Southard said…
It's a marvel for me for work and family contact but it can creep in and replace real life if you aren't careful... You can get your virtual soup here, I shall reserve you a table place :-)
Lisa Southard said…
Good soup is rarely complicated! :-)
Lisa Southard said…
A happy meet :-) Thank you for the follow!
Geo. said…
Most kind. I still don't know if Facebook would be good for me.
Lisa Southard said…
Blogging is more productive, methinks x

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