
Sunday Afternoon
December sun turns the landscape silver nitrate: the day like an exposure for a scene: between river and quarry pool where the wall is crumbling. We came here when the wall was covered, unknown under earth and moss. We came here when the earth tumbled, the slate blocks shining, the tree roots, exposed. We came here when the water pushed through stones and through the dark roots, the fingers fumbling.
Monday Morning
White noise in the chimney hollow, tapping rain on window glass, strands of ivy shook loose, soft soot thuds. All the electric is strangled: torches found, candles lit, fire stoked, the fuse box investigated. The storm takes a pause, as though distracted. The lights cough back. No sign of settle in this weather system.
The calendar is close to running out of pages.
Miles and miles we walked this year.
Today I will polish my boots.


Suze said…
That second pic is feeding some part of me.

Lis, I really like your new profile pic. :)
Lisa Southard said…
The second photo is Mr walking the wall between the still quarry pool and the lively river. It's another world in the woods there. Also I like how the leaves in the top foreground look as big as he is, it's a faery scale! And I really fancied some colour in my profile- I get very lazy with these things but a New Year prompts change :-) x
I also love that second picture.

Happy New Year!
Lisa Southard said…
I've always preferred odd numbers but 2014 has a good vibe - Happy New Year :-)

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