The Ham Under The Plank
Grandparent Pack Mules, hungry children, pregnant Mrs
Mac, and Mr Mac; in charge of dogs; are veering from sharing a pleasant trail
to enduring a march. One picnic area bans dogs, and the other demonstrates why
dogs would be omitted from food sharing areas.
Grandad is the first one to see the potential in the
old railway bridge: the wide girder edge is a buffet table. The old sleepers
slanting are almost benches. If we gather to one side the cyclists have plenty
of room to whizz by, and spout little phrases of envy for our proper plates and
superior olives.
Little Grandson, Little Granddaughter both: they take
this dining arrangement as they take all things: in chunks of awe and
acceptance. Of course one sits on a slanty plank and eats ham with bike wheels
whooshing where the condiments would normally be: of course Granma says not to
climb on the table or you'll fall in the river. One must interrupt this feast
however to point out the miracle of being able to hide a piece of ham under a
plank! And who knew: it works on this plank too!