Part 3: The happiness of dogs far outweighs the poop.
dogs are ready to go before she slides back the bolt.
She checks her pockets for the roll of poo bags. ‘It’s not the best part of the
walk,’ she confides, ‘but: necessary. Heel!’
surge out like one many-legged animal, some kind of dog-centipede, jostling
behind her, till they reach the field and she lets them roam. She loves the way
they plunge nose to grass, as though the field is brand new to them.
dog pen re-secured, Claire fetches the hand trowel, a trug for collecting weeds
and a straw hat to shade her eyes. The earth is soft to touch, lightly damp,
warm, aerated. Sometimes a welcome shelter of cloud drifts between her and the
sun. She watches the cloud shadow cross the yard, wonders where it will go from
here. The trug is filled and lugged to the compost box, once, twice, many
times; she sets herself a rhythm of work; loses herself in it until her stomach
tells her it might be an apt time for ingesting lunch.