All Souls In The Woods
night I tripped over one of our house spiders and as a result of this it became
deceased. I thought to have stumbled on a small stone and shook its curled body
from my sock with a remorseful 'Oh.' It was the one with six and a half legs. I
laid the husk out overnight in case it was merely bluffing. This morning I
consigned it to the Rayburn flames, with a little All Souls prayer that it be
delivered back to the bosom of the universe. I couldn't help thinking it had
been trying to tug at my trouser leg, to whisper me a secret. I shan't know it
Seems you guys are getting along well in the new house. Does it have a name?
Take care :-)
Tis a wondrous, enchanting and hauntingly mysterious, thine woods doth see. A place where the magical wee folks, dance and sing in a world where no judgement is ever passed.
Your reflective post is of such a dreamy place. Thank you.
In love. I'm gonna go read it, again.