Mesmer's Weather
devotion to laptop today, obsessed by learning to format an ebook. Rather
startled to find there are people talking to me. Apologies, family. And knees:
I have ice knee caps. Tellingly, I have remembered to feed the dog. Feed, and
walk. This morning, before my laptop pinged on and the rest of the known
universe vanished, all I wanted to think of was taking a holiday; flicking lazy
feet over warm sand. Me and Dog sent up a neat spray of last night's rain,
there were still strawberries to be found, so I could not think why I needed; it felt like I needed; to skip over a tropical
beach. My hand on the door handle as the heavy rain falls. The smell of
refreshed earth follows me in. Up to the bedroom to find a towel, and stop, and
find that I am caught in the rain, in the lush-heavy sound of it.
Jacqueline- Thank you! :-)