Three Piece Soup

Boy leaves school. He wears a three piece suit and pocket watch, that’s the kind of Boy he is. After school, finery is returned to wardrobe, walking boots get some exercise. We explore all the way to the stirred mud of river. Clouds have a sense of lurk. Wind drives loud and fast in the narrow lanes. Dog sports some dapper mud trousers. I take her picture. I take generic hedgerow pictures, to illustrate things that I haven’t thought of writing about yet. Boy wonders why not start with the image, would that not be the easier way? Yes, possibly, I concur, but the adventure of it is important, that’s part of the exercise. That’s the difference, I opine, between making soup from a packet mix and creating soup from foraged foodstuffs. No less love in either preparation, necessarily, but the latter has more art. 


Geo. said…
"Clouds have a sense of lurk."
Certainly your photos are remarkable, memorable, but sometimes your phrases are worth a thousand pictures. My compliments.
I love when pups stand around with their tongues out to the side like that. They sort of look like bad little kids caught in some trouble!
The Cranky said…
Hope you don't mind that I've linked to your blog.
Stephanie V said…
Trousers of mud...very apt. Looks like Dog had such a good time.

Boy looks so handsome. I remember mine all suited up for the first time. He didn't want to stop being that fine-looking.
Suze said…
Superb title. And now I will never see approaching clouds in quite the same way.

Good wishes and hope and love to your boy. Come to think of it, I don't believe I will ever quite see soup in the same way, now, as a result of your lovely presence in my life.

Cheers, Lil.
Laura Clipson said…
Aww, that's what my dog looks like whenever we take him to the woods or the beach! If there's a puddle, he must run through it. The muddier, the better!
Hi Lily

I'm giving your a blog award on 7-3-12. Check it out on
Anonymous said…
And the latter could easily steal my heart.
Teresa Cypher said…
Mud trousers :-) !

Did boy graduate? Such a handsome lad :-)

Wow, so much going on in your life, right now, Lily. So much newness. Corners to explore, rocks to overturn, trees to get to know, and vistas to make familiar.

Enjoy :-) And thank you for sharing with us!
Lisa Southard said…
Thank you all- again and always- for heart warming cheer- Boy awaits exam results and we are still occupied with the protracted house move- access to internet is tenuous but the overall forecast is for marvellous times :-)

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