Q: Good Queen Dick

The Wishbone Alphabet – an experiment, of course, with attitude, life and the eponymous soup.

 In the Great Britain of 1811, where I have been spending some time lately, the saying ‘In the reign of Queen Dick’ was a popular retort. There was no Queen Dick, in case you were wondering if you had misread your British throne lineage, therefore the retort clearly implies that the incident or situation referred to did not happen.
If you like a challenge, use this phrase in a conversation today. I like it like this:-
‘And when did that happen- in the reign of Queen Dick, perhaps?’
With clear, archly barbed diction and a gorgeous smile.

 Most of my fiction is based on incidents and situations that did happen, because I like to take what is right in front of people and surprise them with it. This is not to say that other ways of doing things are wrong- in fact, taking the everyday out of the ordinary setting is at the very least an equally splendid way to polish jaded attentions. But for me, tasking to unearth the treasures of what we have, here where we have them, that is my vocation.

A quick post today. I will leave you with an arty-thoughty quote:
‘The purpose of art is not to portray the visible, but to make visible.’  Paul Klee


Suze said…

At first I smiled, lop-sided, then I took a breath, then I laughed.

I am definitely going to try to work in the venerable Queen Dick, today!

Lily Tequila, you are wonderful.
The Beans said…
Ha ha. I think that I shall add this saying to my diction from now on.

-Barb the French Bean
Lisa Southard said…
This was fun to write- and even more fun to say! :-) I'm hoping it catches on.
Teresa Cypher said…
Haha! I had never before heard this! So going to be said by me...some time tomorrow! lol... Thanks, Lily!
Teresa Cypher said…
I DID share this with my friend at work--whose inlaws are all residents of the UK. We all enjoyed it! Thanks, again, Lily! :-)
Lisa Southard said…
God Bless Good Queen Dick!

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