B: The B You Accept Or The B You Reject? *

The Wishbone Alphabet – an experiment, of course, with attitude, life and the eponymous soup. 

In this refreshing bit of didacticism, B represents the grade of life you have attained and A the grade of life you are assumed to aspire to. Algebra of the soul isn’t about being academically gifted. It’s about how you deal with the lack of sparkling perfection in your life.

Having an image of perfection can be inspiring. If it’s a model of guidance it remains something to encourage us whether we achieve it or not. For example, I doubt I could be a monk, but the Dalai Llama says things that help me make decent decisions about how to live. This model says, B is acceptable, and, most importantly of all, it’s your B, enjoy it.

If perfection is a model of judgement, it splits your world into succeed or fail. For example, is my bathroom clean?
I don’t take the judgement model too seriously, hence the state of my bathroom.

If I could wave a magic wand of achievement (let’s B honest) there would be some material improvements made, including a nicer place to have a bath. 
Without the wand, in order to achieve material stuff, like the big house, shiny car, flashy wardrobe and gleaming lavatory, there was too much to sacrifice, like spending time with my children and being able to walk around these muddy fields, watching the apples grow. And the more I accept this, the more I feel like one of the privileged, balanced few.

*Never confuse this with ‘The BS You Regret, or the BS You Accept.’


sc morgan said…
Ha! This made me laugh this morning... and I was reading your post while putting off the cleaning of my house, certainly and A aspiration. I better get busy or it will be a C, or less. ;-)
sc morgan said…
Ha! This made me laugh this morning... and I was reading your post while putting off the cleaning of my house, certainly and A aspiration. I better get busy or it will be a C, or less. ;-)
Marian Allen said…
Beautiful post! Kids grow up and move away, but the housework is always there. :)

Marian Allen
Fantasies, mysteries, comedies, recipes
Jenny said…
I'm also living life without a wand and enjoying who I am B-coming :-)
Suze said…
Somewhere between A and B lies the chaos from which the sublime emerges.

I think, anyway.
M Pax said…
Life can be fantastic once we learn to appreciate what we have and how fortunate we are.
The most perfect people I know are far from perfect.
A nice bathroom, on the other hand, would be really nice...
Happy A to Z!
Jaime said…
"Algebra of the soul" - this is a great phrase. I enjoyed your post and look forward to reading more.
Lisa Southard said…
Thank you everyone for such happy comments- loving the A-Z whirl so far- will probably need more coffee by M, and maybe a bun or two :-) xx

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