
Neither the sun nor the clouds will fully commit, leaving the day overcast. These are the dull conditions in which boredom can spread. Outside, the nuances of cloud and filtering sunrays can be observed. They require an effort to appreciate, an acquired taste of weather, unlike the instant deliciousness of blue sky or the immediate bitter-sour jolt of lightening. Outside the air carries a smell of spring that I am unable to describe, maybe it’s just the rise in air temperature over the cold of the ground. The wind has chill but not ice, the ground is wintry damp but not frozen. When winter is approaching, filtering in through autumn, one thinks of thick knits and the possibility of wearing a bobble-topped hat, but now, spring must be sifting into the air, for I am thinking of pretty florals and short sleeves, like some ancient instinct is telling me to shed my winter coat. My Wellington boots have a floral print, so I’m prepared. 


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