Guano for the Soul
When in doubt, celebrate- one of my favourite life rules. It is more cheerful than sensible. This was not factory farmed pig, incidentally, which is why we had to wait for a bargain before we could indulge. Overall, we aim for responsible freedom, which is cheerful, sensible and affordable on a limited income. And string does make a good drawer handle, although after some years of heavy use the one on the cutlery drawer has frayed and needs replacing.
Easing back to tired, sitting
On a rickety chair, eyes shut
The sun rises, later than me
Bathes this weary face in light
Quiet time, before the
Post arrives, before I vex
Over what disturbances may
Slap down on the doormat
If just a little bit more arrives
Than departs, my guarded
Jubilant budget will dissipate
Exasperating material frets
Necessity has mothered some
Invention and adopted some
Attitude. We have replaced the
Broken drawer handles with string
Inventive resources are
Guano for the soul; sit the
Baby down with a cardboard
Box and a mixing spoon
Sharks, under the slick
Of seal blood, slide
All aqua-dynamic
Somewhere, doing shark things
Last night’s curry was the middle
Of a triptych menu. It is flanked
Traditionally, from left to right
By roast meat and noodles
After the roast comes pie, if not
Curry, after this, the next
Round of leftovers, if not noodles
Then rice will be expected
Tonight, the carbohydrate of choice
Will be potato, given the opportunity
Of half price pork. In store, we ponder,
We remember; when in doubt, celebrate
This cheap cut of meat
Is aired overnight
The dry skin will crackle
Nothing, in death, will be disregarded