290: Eaten by heat

We don't use the microwave everyday, but it is bright red and regularly admired by us. Unlike the rest of The Microwave Corner, which is an annoying mess. Other house place names are The Useful Drawer, The Wurlitzer and the Box Office. 

In the cool clear blue sky, the sunlight
Liberated from mist, skims over white
Fleece surface, splits through a teardrop
Gem circling in the kitchen window

The kitchen is warmed and filled
With cuts of rainbow light from the
Gyratory crystal. Shut my eyes, put the
Sun on my face, have a tropical moment

Temperatures trigger sense memory; from
The squashed breath-recycling aircraft aisle
I drag my crumpled self out to the sensation
Of engulfment, the warm air swallows me up

I am inside the belly of heat, feel the haze
Of absorption, the ground heat of airport tarmac
Wants to digest me, I am assimilated, then
Freeze-shocked by arrival-lounge air-conditioning

The traffic baffles, there are vehicles of
Preposterous proportions, they swarm like
Metal fish in a humid turbulent sea, we are so
Proud of learning to cross the road here

Dog claw clatter on the laminate floor
Brings me out of my reverie, to squint
At the kitchen, think, I’m on a roll, I will
Sweep the floors, as my next domestic trick

The broom is kept propped in The
Microwave Corner; we have names
For places to assist in navigating
Around the Atolls of Detritus

Vermilion microwave has top shelf
Pride of place, in its own
Idolised corner-nook, flanked
By attendant oven gloves

There was once a rug in the
Living room but also once we gave
The dog a prawn head to eat
She rolled it into the wool pile

As the broom-bristles clog
Accumulating dog hair and
Smudging wet paw prints, bored
Four-legs sighs in the armchair


Lisa Southard said…
1000 miracles in one 24 hour period = 41.66 per hour.
Unedited versions are posted as I draft them, but when the 1000 is complete I might post up the edited versions. I say might because until this experiment is ended I don't know how it will turn out.

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